Articles on: Orders & Table Payments

Printing QR codes

Step 1:

In order to print a QR code for a specific floor, we must go to the “Set up venue” option.

Step 2:

Choose the service you want to print the QR code for, for example “table service”, and then select the option “Print QR”

Step 3:

A window will appear in which you can select and customize the type of print, and see a preview of how it will look. Press the button “Print” and that’s it! Our codes are ready to print or download as a pdf file.


If the print window is not displayed, the colors of the venue may need to be changed. Colors are required as they are taken into account for standard print models.

Colors can be changed from Venues > Edit

Also consider that the venue profile picture must be added for it to show on the print.

Updated on: 22/02/2023

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